Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Let's Get LinkedIn!

So I'm a tad excited about trying LinkedIn. Many of my colleagues use this social media site to grow their professional network, and I've even heard of some using it as an online resume/CV of sorts (which I could not see myself doing).

With that being said, I took a 10-15 minute break of playing around in the application and am pleasantly surprised with how inclusive it is in regards to education and work experience. This tool would be ideal (in my opinion) for someone working within marketing/advertising, always updating their connections and posting projects to their "experience". I can also see a great deal of researchers utilizing this tool to keep up with their most recent articles/research (I actually saw a few of my work colleagues appear as suggestions when I entered that I was a student at FSU).

To get a full grasp of the app, I complete the entire suggested fields, but set my profile to private. I'm not particularly keen on my work colleagues befriending me on this since it is supposed to be utilized as a tool for my classes. But, I also didn't want to limit myself in terms of what to include on the page. I've included a screenshot below of what I've added on the page (sorry for the poor quality).

This probably looks like the bare minimum of what people typically add, but I think it's amazing how similar the layout is to a resume/CV. Plus--it's very user-friendly (good for me!). 

Has anyone utilized a LinkedIn account for professional or personal connections? Please let me know! I'm seriously considering keeping this after the course is over. 


  1. Trisha,

    I have an account but hardly ever use it. When I do skim my feed, I mostly read articles others have posted. I know I'm not using this tool to the fullest that I could, but my motivation to use it is low. but if you discover any interesting features, I'd love to know.

  2. I wasn't aware that you can post articles on LinkedIn. Maybe I'll look at this feature as well. I'll let you know if I discover anything else. Thanks!

  3. Some of our ISLT grads seem to be very active on there.

    1. I've noticed a lot of educators or those active within the education field are "linked in" and connected through similar organizations. When I identified myself as an employee and student at FSU, many familiar faces popped up in suggestions or as participants within the network/group.
