Thursday, June 29, 2017

Daphne Koller: What we're learning from online education

This is AMAZING. It's incredible what eLearning can accomplish. Serious goals right now.

It's crazy to imagine that we have so many resources available that allows others to learn at the tip of their fingers. Could you imagine if everyone in the world had access to technology, how much learning could be done?

The accomplishment that Daphne Koller illustrates is truly astounding. People around the world have access to the best resources (teachers and lessons taught from places like Stanford) for minimal costs. This provides everyone the opportunity to learn and grow professionally.

I believe this is what makes eLearning so critical for society. As everyone knows, education is not as easily accessible like it is in the United States, and even in the United States, not everyone has the same opportunity to go to college. Providing resources through means of online modules personalized to each persons learning truly helps advance our society for the better.

I hope to be apart of these achievements some day.

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